Black Dress With the Tights Underneath Song Lyrics
I have that 3Oh!3 song stuck in my know, "Don't Trust Me"?
I know most of the lyrics now, and I'm certain I'll remember all of them he next time I hear the damned song. Also, the music video is so messed up. XD
Anyway~ I've been tagged by I-am-ato
-Post these rules
- Each person tagged must post 10 things about them in their journal
- In the end, any person tagged has to choose 8 people and post their icons in the same journal
- Go to their pages and send a message saying that they have been tagged
- No tag-return
RANDOM RANT TIME COMES FIRST, SOOOOOOOOO... I've done this crap before. Honestly, I don't see the point in doing it again. Regardless, I will give you 10 more facts. Really though, how do you know I'm not just screwing around and these are made up? Let's see...
1. I have a habit of gnawing on toilet paper, so there's lots of random TP spitballs on the floor around my trash can.
2. I like to watch shows and point out two random things, then suggest them as a couple. Yes, even with characters from Dora the Explorer, Winnie the Pooh, etc. Also, I think my desk is in love with my bookshelf.
3. When I was younger I did not like to bathe or brush my teeth, so my record for the longest time without brushing my teeth or washing was MONTHS. No one noticed because I didn't smell bad and my teeth didn't get as many cavities as some of the kids who actually DID brush.
4. Every time my sister comes to me with a video game problem I have to suppress the urge to completely shove her away and tell her to RTFM (which is "read the fucking manual" for those who don't know).
5. My first (and--currently--last and only) kiss was completely accidental. An attempted headbutt failed spectacularly. It didn't last even a second, but I started spouting off stuff like "hbdsfgbksfgjk" pretty quickly afterward (and Big Bird would be proud). What I had for dinner that night? I seem to have magically lost my taste for it. My first kiss was my aforementioned sister.
6. A necklace (that was expensive) got lost a while ago and I was tearing up my room trying to find it so my dad would stop constantly accusing--excuse me--implying that I had thrown it away--which is stupid, because I happen to like it...even if I never WEAR it). I found it by accident on my way to a restaurant. It was in the pocket of my raincoat. I don't remember putting it there, and I'm certain it never rained during the time I had the necklace with me. It's still a mystery to me.
7. There are some times when I can't focus with background noise, and there are others where I absolutely MUST have BG noise. What's most annoying is when I can't work with either. Right now is one of those times.
8. I don't like to buy things with brands stuck right on them where it's obvious, or things that other people have poured work into. I amazed myself when I ordered two Moon Buns off of a girl on Etsy (who is also here on DA, but I forget what her name is now). They sit on my desk. One is brown and one is black. Naturally, even they aren't free of my previously talked-about pairing frenzy, and I have decided that they are a couple.
9. If there's one crazy fan fetish thingamajig that I can't stand, it's definitely that stupid "vore" crap. I mean, first of all, how would you even manage to swallow another person whole like that? ...And what the hell is so pleasing about being slowly digested by stomach acids? Seriously, now...I'd rather not discuss that subject. -shudders-
10. I slack off even when I just know I shouldn't be. Right now I should be cleaning my room and wearing my retainer. Someone is visiting tomorrow, and they might come in my room, and I have an appointment tomorrow to see how my teeth are doing with the retainer...luckily I can probably fix my teeth overnight, since they didn't really move much, but my room? I'd better hop to it!
I will tag...nobody. I don't send out chain letters, so why should I send out chain memes and quizzes? I say we should do them whenever we want to do them...and by that I mean fill them out--answer them, not...*do* them.
Oh yeah, here's some junk from's just rambling.
Okay, this is going to be silly, so don't bother reading it unless you're really bored, trying to kill time, or BOTH. If it helps any, it involves DORA THE EXPLORER. Awful, yes?
Anyway, I was bored and I went into the living room to watch tv when I noticed that Dora's World Adventure was on. I didn't know much about what happened earlier in the episode, but I came in during the part where Swiper had stolen everyone's friendship bracelets and they decided to go around the world (to France, Tanzania, Russia and China) to return them. It was really messed up, but I decided to watch it for the heck of it (read: because I didn't want to clean my room right away...and because my sis wanted to me to stay and had latched onto my sunburned left arm--which was painful and very convincing).
Regardless of what I had assumed when I started watching, it was actually kind of fun. We screamed out answers at the screen when we were asked questions, and spent half the time gushing over how awesome we thought Swiper was. At one point this big red chicken showed up and my sis started yelling "CHICKEEEEEEENNNNNN" and stuff, right? Then she started singing "We Can" from Sonic Heroes (djfhkjngljg) and we ended up changing the lyrics so that it was about us cooking chicken in the oven. That was more than a little odd, but we got over it (I think).
Early on (France?) Swiper looked at Boots on the monitor and I said, "THEY LOOKED AT EACH OTHER, SO THEY ARE CLEARLY MADE FOR EACH OTHER--INTERNET LOGIC." Come to think of it, I though the jet plane looked all embarrassed and shy at the end when Swiper started into the song about how they got there in the jet plane. I swear, if the plane were blushing too, it would have been amazing. After that I decided that the plane clearly had the hots for Swiper, and Swiper should be careful about saying anything about being inside of said plane. Like, seriously.
I wrote down the names of all four Swiper rip-offs that they met along the way, too. Swiper the fox got ripped off by Fifi the Skunk (both on the street and beside the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France), Sammy the Hyena (near Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania), Funka the Dancing Bear (in the palace at Russia), and Ying-Ying the Weasel (at the Great Wall of China). My sister made me gag when she was telling Funka to not swipe the friendship bracelets, since Funka came out of her mouth as "fucka" and it sounded like "FUCKA' NO SWIPIN'!" It was horribly gangstaaaaa...if you know what I mean.
Oh, and I thought it was weird how Dora would just walk by a fountain, a pillar, or something similar and her clothes would change. It was just messed up. Speaking of which, so was that "super jump" they did to scale the Great Wall of China. It was just creepy how high they jumped, and of course they didn't get hurt when they landed...
I loved how Swiper wore a bow tie at the end. It just made me happy. Also, when Swiper asked all shyly if there was a bracelet left for him, I was all like, "THERE'D BETTER BE." and I was leaning forward, waiting for Dora's response even though I knew that he probably would get one (and if he didn't, maybe Dora would give him hers, hug him and tell him that you didn't need any special bracelets to be friends or anything). I'm glad he got one, honestly.
I laughed when Dora supposedly gave the viewer a bracelet too, and I remarked that I'm sure little kids who watched that must have fought over who got the imaginary bracelet (if there was more than one kid there, anyway). My sister was annoyed the whole time because Dora said their bracelets would light up the sky, but they did practically nothing except firework-like stuff. She was irritated even more when Dora claimed that they had lit up the sky when "no they didn't!"
Well, that's it, I suppose.
. . .
Black Dress With the Tights Underneath Song Lyrics
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